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Sunday, March 3, 2013
We're Moving...
Hello viewers! Tight Globes has moved to a Tumblr blog, which you can find at . I like to show and share about records, bands, and labels but I'm really not much of a writer. I'm going to make Tight Globes more of a photo-type blog with little blurbs and I think Tumblr is a better format for that. Plus, I'll be able to share more often if I'm just postin' pics and links to tunes vs. thinking of things to write. That's the plan for now at least. See ya at the new spot soon!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Toxie ‘Newgate b/w Ties’ 7” – Brand Spankin’ #13
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Released February 2013 |
Thanks For
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Windian Records 'Subscription Series #1' - Busy Singles #03
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Released January 2013 |
Thanks For
Sunday, February 10, 2013
California X S/T LP – Brand Spankin’ #12
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Released January 2013 |
Thanks For
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Mary Wells ‘Bye Bye Baby’ – Dusted Off #02
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Released in 1960, Charted into 1961 |
Thanks For
Saturday, January 12, 2013
BDR Records – Willing And Label #04

Thanks For
Three Random Queries For
Jason Of BDR/Rerun Records
1. Why the focus on reissues?
“I'm a music fiend, record collector myself. I listen to all kinds of music, but I mainly collect '70s-mid '80s Punk, D.I.Y., indie New Wave, early HC, etc. It's just the time period I've always been into, since first hearing punk in the late '80s. My wife and I even did a radio show here in St. Louis on a non-commercial radio station for about twelve years, playing only music from that era. I had released some contemporary punk records in the early-mid '90s, under a few different label names, when I still lived in Wisconsin. The last label name I used was Rerun Records. I called it Rerun, because my first release under that name was a reissue of the first Boris the Sprinkler 7", a record I had released a few years prior. I didn't start out to release only reissues. In fact, I only did a few other releases in the '90s, and only one of those was a reissue. That was of a local record that had just come out a couple years before I repressed it. I moved to St. Louis in late 1998, and I stopped doing the label, for no good reason. Over the next eight or so years, I helped put together some reissue projects for other labels. One day, I just got the itch to release records again. Since nobody had done much with the early St. Louis punk/indie bands, my friend Matt Harnish and I started talking about putting together a compilation of old, local bands. We began tracking down band members and got to hear lots of great music in the process. It quickly became evident that we had too much quality material to do a one-song-per-band compilation. We scrapped that idea and decided to do a collection of material by a band called raymilland. We released that to great praise, and the band even played a reunion show to a packed house. That motivated us to do more single band releases from our favorite St. Louis bands of the original punk era. All the St. Louis area releases are under BDR Records. I have Rerun (the R) and Matt's label is Bert Dax Cavalcade of Stars (the BD for Bert Dax). At the same time, I started working on non-local reissues for release on Rerun Records, which I run on my own.”
2. What is your least favorite thing about doing a record label?
“Really, I like all the aspects of it, since I do almost everything myself. Some things are truly a pain or more work than you could imagine, but it's very rewarding when a release gets finished. The two things that always disappoint me are projects that fall apart after I've put a lot of time and work into them, and mistakes on the final product. Luckily, I've only had a couple fall apart before getting released, and those are usually over some old band feud or a principle member not being available. The mistakes on the final product are my biggest pet peeve. Nothing major, but I've found a couple typos in liner notes or other small errors. It's not like I don't see the same type of things on even "professional" product, but you still hate to see that when you've proof read everything a few dozen times.”
3. Do you have any favorite St. Louis bands that are currently playing?
“I have to admit being somewhat out of touch with most of the current bands. My wife and I have had bands together for a dozen or so years, but we haven't been playing the last year or so. Work and a new baby have squeezed out band time for now. Just because we haven't been playing as many shows, I've not been attending near what I once did. There are a few I really like who are still active and I see every chance I can: Trauma Harness (from the IL side of the river, sorta like early Fall crossed with '70s DIY punk), Shaved Women (early '80s SST-core/Black Flag/Stains worship), and Pillow Talk (Birthday Party crossed with modern HC sounds...I guess that's how I'd put it).”
1. Why the focus on reissues?
“I'm a music fiend, record collector myself. I listen to all kinds of music, but I mainly collect '70s-mid '80s Punk, D.I.Y., indie New Wave, early HC, etc. It's just the time period I've always been into, since first hearing punk in the late '80s. My wife and I even did a radio show here in St. Louis on a non-commercial radio station for about twelve years, playing only music from that era. I had released some contemporary punk records in the early-mid '90s, under a few different label names, when I still lived in Wisconsin. The last label name I used was Rerun Records. I called it Rerun, because my first release under that name was a reissue of the first Boris the Sprinkler 7", a record I had released a few years prior. I didn't start out to release only reissues. In fact, I only did a few other releases in the '90s, and only one of those was a reissue. That was of a local record that had just come out a couple years before I repressed it. I moved to St. Louis in late 1998, and I stopped doing the label, for no good reason. Over the next eight or so years, I helped put together some reissue projects for other labels. One day, I just got the itch to release records again. Since nobody had done much with the early St. Louis punk/indie bands, my friend Matt Harnish and I started talking about putting together a compilation of old, local bands. We began tracking down band members and got to hear lots of great music in the process. It quickly became evident that we had too much quality material to do a one-song-per-band compilation. We scrapped that idea and decided to do a collection of material by a band called raymilland. We released that to great praise, and the band even played a reunion show to a packed house. That motivated us to do more single band releases from our favorite St. Louis bands of the original punk era. All the St. Louis area releases are under BDR Records. I have Rerun (the R) and Matt's label is Bert Dax Cavalcade of Stars (the BD for Bert Dax). At the same time, I started working on non-local reissues for release on Rerun Records, which I run on my own.”
2. What is your least favorite thing about doing a record label?
“Really, I like all the aspects of it, since I do almost everything myself. Some things are truly a pain or more work than you could imagine, but it's very rewarding when a release gets finished. The two things that always disappoint me are projects that fall apart after I've put a lot of time and work into them, and mistakes on the final product. Luckily, I've only had a couple fall apart before getting released, and those are usually over some old band feud or a principle member not being available. The mistakes on the final product are my biggest pet peeve. Nothing major, but I've found a couple typos in liner notes or other small errors. It's not like I don't see the same type of things on even "professional" product, but you still hate to see that when you've proof read everything a few dozen times.”
3. Do you have any favorite St. Louis bands that are currently playing?
“I have to admit being somewhat out of touch with most of the current bands. My wife and I have had bands together for a dozen or so years, but we haven't been playing the last year or so. Work and a new baby have squeezed out band time for now. Just because we haven't been playing as many shows, I've not been attending near what I once did. There are a few I really like who are still active and I see every chance I can: Trauma Harness (from the IL side of the river, sorta like early Fall crossed with '70s DIY punk), Shaved Women (early '80s SST-core/Black Flag/Stains worship), and Pillow Talk (Birthday Party crossed with modern HC sounds...I guess that's how I'd put it).”
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